Nelson Marlborough Master Joiners put our people first.

You can feel confident about having a career in an environment that prioritises wellness in the joinery industry.

There are 21 Master Joiner businesses in the extraordinary Nelson Tasman and brilliant Marlborough. These businesses are the local industry’s best. With cutting edge design and production, many have achieved national awards and recognition.

We are committed to the sustainability of the industry and to protecting the health, safety, and well-being of our
Master Joiners community.

Continue reading below to find a list of health and safety, and people and wellbeing resources that we believe can assist both our members, our member employees and their customers.



Health and Safety

People and Wellbeing

Video Resources

Webinar 1: Bounce & Grow

This is the first of a 3-part series of webinars that discusses physical resilience.

Learn how to recognise the downward spiral, stay calm and prioritise your wellbeing. Sleep is a key practice, as well as eliminating bright lights and screen time 90-minutes before bed.

Webinar 2: Connect & Flow

In this second webinar, learn how to name, tame and reframe emotions that cause distress.

Create the conditions for optimal flow by having a clear goal, minimal distractions, skills that match the challenge and the right amount of time. Don't hesitate – just go for it.

Webinar 3: Resilience Mastery

This third and final webinar covers focus, purpose, fulfilment, optimism, vitality and presence.

In a nutshell, practice mindfulness. Take a few moments to check in with your thoughts and breath. Discover and align with your purpose. Try to be grateful and notice the good things around you.